Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Random Thoughts

So, I have been accused by someone (my husband) of ignoring my blog. Really there hasn't been much to share, so instead of boring my readers with things like what I fixed for dinner last night (amazing scalloped potatoes and ham), I have opted to just remain silent. I decided today I would just fill you in on some random things going on in our lives. Sorry if these just bore you, but they are big things in our house:)

We will be potty training this weekend. I am super excited. Phil not so much. We (I) have opted to try the straight to big girl panties method. So this weekend Chloe will be living in rubber pants while we embark on a great adventure. She has been very interested in the potty for a while, so I know she is ready, it will just be challenging.

On a side note, our friends Jenny and Trevor are adopting! We are so excited for them. They are doing a foster to adopt. Phil and I have discussed this type of adoption before, so Jenny and Trevor's experience has opened up this conversation again in our house. While we don't know what God's plans for us are in this department, we are excited about the possibilities. Please pray that God's plan will become clear. While we know it will be a couple of years before we start to seriously explore this possibility, we are planners and like to know what to expect in the future. Also pray for Jenny and Trevor. They are house hunting and dealing with job issues for Trevor on top of all of this. They have a little boy Noah who will be going through lots of changes this year. Pray that he adjusts well.

1 comment:

Kent S said...

Cool stuff. Chloe is a smart little girl.