Friday, May 29, 2009

My husband is amazing...

This past week has been a bit of a challenge for me. I have been fighting a cold/sinus thing that keeps getting the best of me. I also had my first round of cortisone shots for my wrists on Wednesday. The doctor told me I wouldn't like him for several days. He wasn't exaggerating!! I can't really cook, cleaning is a joke, folding laundry isn't going to happen, and the thought of giving Chloe a bath is overwhelming. My husband has been there to help this whole week. He has made a late night run to get me some cold meds, had a great time giving Chloe a bath last night, and has been very supportive this week. I am blessed to have the support I have from him. I wouldn't be able to survive without it!! Thanks Phil:)

1 comment:

Kent S said...

I love it when people praise their spouses. You two are an awesome couple!